I'm going to preface this post by saying you do NOT need a special room to homeschool in and you certainly do NOT need all the extras you will see in my video. I lucked out and already had a space practically ready for us and I happen to have a mom who was/is (once a teacher, always a teacher?) a math teacher. You can certainly homeschool at your kitchen table with nothing but your books but I enjoyed getting all the cutesy stuff, posters, and supplies for our room so I *might* have gone overboard. As I get older, I'm realizing I have a tendency to be Type A and can only function if things are in order and organized. I know my kids do better when we are on a schedule and they know the routine, too. So, here it is...
Organized chaos! That's how I'm feeling right now with our school supplies and books piled high on our desks.
University style schooling is exactly what it sounds like. The kids will attend school on campus 2 days a week with professional teachers, administrators , and Head Master and continue homeschooling 3 days a week at home with me, the unprofessional. Ha! Lesson plans are uploaded the Friday before so I will print it out and follow the plan all week. This is such a relief coming off a year of ME planning every subject, every week. I'm thankful for the reprieve. Once I get everything organized for real, I'll post another pic or video showing how we keep it all together. Organization is the key to sanity. Trust me.
Time flies, right? So much has happened since I last blogged yet everything seems the same.
One major change was the decision to pull our kids out of public school to join the homeschool team. I fully intended to blog about that adventure but time got away from me. This school-year, we are going on yet another adventure...Hybrid or University style schooling. I found an amazing campus in Houston where the kids will go 2 days a week and continue homeschooling 3 days at home. My planis to blog about our 2014-2015 school year. Hopefully posting some videos of math lessons and any other interesting or exciting lessons we attempt. I'll also post pictures of our school room and current curriculum. I'm still trying to eat healthy(aren't we all...) and exercise so there will probably be some recipes thrown in from time to time. I hope you stick around! Jenny